Currently Loving | Ugly Betty


Today’s post is a bit random, but I just felt the need to confess my love for Ugly Betty. I started watching the series years ago, and got the box sets every Christmas. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw the series on Netflix on a boring Tuesday night. I started watching it from the beginning and safe to say I’m totally hooked.

As mad as this sounds, Betty is a role model to me. She always does the right thing no matter what, she is a kind person, she has a good heart and she is determined and ambitious. She is such a good role model to young women, although you might not expect it.

Also, I want to be a journalist for a magazine so seeing all of the work in Mode is as interesting as it is entertaining to me! Amanda and Mark are so hilarious, but I couldn’t choose a favourite between them all. I’m a bit of a scaredy cat and can’t watch anything remotely scary, so Ugly Betty is the perfect programme for me! It’s funny, entertaining and really makes you forget everything else that’s going on in your life.

I’m aware that I sound slightly crazy, but bare with me. If you’re looking for a new series to watch, give Ugly Betty a shot – I bet you’ll love it!

if you’re searching for that one person to change your life, take a look in the mirror


1 Comment

  1. 09/05/2014 / 3:41 am

    I’ve been needing to find something new on Netflix to watch! I will definitely check this out! Sounds perfect!