SASS #17 – 100 Happy Days


I might be late on the bandwagon with this one, but #100HappyDays has taken up my Instagram feed. Being a lover of all things happiness and positivity related, I had to find out what it was all about. 100 Happy Days is a project that was created to spread happiness – who would have guessed? But really, the hashtag is to encourage people to photograph, or take note, of something in their day that made them happy. It is believed that if you do this for 100 days, you will find it much easier to notice the good things in life, rather than the bad, and realise that there is always something, no matter how big or small, to be happy about. I absolutely love the idea of this project as you can go into the hashtag and see what everyone else is posting, which means the happiness is being spread all around the world!

So, while 100 days sounds like a big commitment, there’s nothing more important to commit to than your happiness!

Check out the website 🙂