Summer Tan In A Bottle


Anyone else who was born without the ability to tan naturally will understand how frustrating it is having to wear false tan any time you want a nice glow. Sitting in the sun for three hours, nope. Taking vitamins that are supposed to help you tan, nope. Nothing works and I just end up frustrated and feeling paler than before.

I love pale skin, but 9 times out of 10 I’ll feel better and more confident with a tan. We all know the extreme dangers of sun tanning, so I’m not sure I’d even let myself tan if I could because of the effect it has on the skin.

After years of dodgy streaks and Oompa-Loompa resemblances, I’ve finally found a few products that would trick anyone into thinking I’d picked up a natural tan. Little do they know…

Last week the sun reared its head unexpectedly in Ireland and I was totally unprepared to wear anything other than jeans. I decided I’d bare my legs and make the most of the weather, but I was as pale as the screen this writing is on. I rooted out He-Shi Gold Foaming Mousse in Medium from the back of my stash and straight away I had a gorgeous, bronze glow.

Instant tanners have never been my thing, but this one has changed the game. It sinks in straight away, isn’t sticky and gives a lovely colour that develops more throughout the day. After 10 minutes of drying, it didn’t rub off onto my clothes and I was so impressed with the results. There was a very slight tan smell, but it’s nothing that couldn’t be covered with a spritz of perfume. Unlike a lot of other instant tans, it didn’t come across as dirty, mucky or green looking (thank God). The mousse is really easy to apply and sits evenly on the skin.

With my holidays coming up next week I’ll be layering this on for two days before we go to give a nice deep colour. No one will know whether I’m heading on holidays or just coming back with this one.


    • whatshedoesnow
      30/08/2015 / 2:21 pm

      it’s really good – definitely worth trying out! xx