The Normal Girl’s Guide To Health & Happiness #2


If the last week is anything to judge by, the 12 weeks of the Bikini Body Guide are going to fly by. As I mentioned, last week I started Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Workout Guide and HELP Nutrition Guide. It was a really scary journey to start because whenever I start something I always want to give it 110%, but already I’ve gotten into the swing of things somehow.

I found that the key to completing all of the workouts I need to complete, and eating all of the food I need to eat, is planning and recording everything on my phone. I sat down last Sunday, and last night and planned out the days I’d make it to the gym this week and which days I’d do my LISS or power walks. That way it’s easy to keep track of what I need to do and I can plan the rest of my week. I also make out a menu for the week, with a list of the foods I eat for breakfast every morning, different lunches and dinners for during the week, as well as snacks. We do our food shop on a Monday so it means that there are plenty of healthy food options available for the week and I won’t have to resort to eating something unhealthy. I use The Clean and Lean Diet and I Quit Sugar books to get ideas for dinners and they’re all really easy to make and really tasty.


Kayla recommends certain amounts of foods to eat everyday, and while I’m by no means a little eater, I actually found it hard to tick off all of my servings for the day. I’m getting more used to it though, and already feel better for eating healthier. I made a juice during the week with five carrots, five apples and half a lemon to use up food that was sitting in the fridge. It was so delicious and refreshing, although I hate cleaning up the juicer afterwards!


As for the workouts themselves, I’ve really enjoyed doing them. They’re hard and challenging, but really rewarding at the same time. Each circuit workout lasts just 28 minutes, so knowing that it’s such a short amount of time pushes me through. I was really nervous about doing the workouts in the gym (#introvertproblems) but I just stick my headphones in and try to forget about everything around me. At the end of each workout I’m sweaty and red and resemble a tomato, but I feel great on the inside. I’ve been doubling up my LISS power walks with going along the seafront with my dad or having a catch up with my friends. It makes them a lot more enjoyable and the time goes by so much quicker.

That’s my update for this week, let me know if there’s anything you’d like to hear about next week or if you’re doing the BBG yourself!