Recap The Week – Food, Fan-Girling & Flowers

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You know those weeks when what happened five days ago feels like it happened a month ago? This was one of those weeks. My memory isn’t the best, so I always write down what happens during the week so I can look back when I’m writing these posts, but today I really couldn’t believe that some of the things that happened were this week!

I’m pretty much back into the swing of college, and on Thursday found out that I passed all of last semesters modules. No repeats for me in August – yay!

Before college on Tuesday I headed into town to pick up my boyfriend’s Valentine’s Day presents, and bumped into the gorgeous Melanie Murphy! I physically couldn’t believe it when I saw her walking into The Body Shop, it was such a fan girl moment. I decided I could either keep walking and regret not going over to her, or bite the bullet and go and say hello – so I bit the bullet and ran over to her. Melanie is one of my favourite YouTubers and such a beautiful person inside and out, I was so glad to get to meet her in person and talk to her. I was literally buzzing afterwards, and rang my friend straight away to tell her. I’m glad I didn’t let my nerves get the best of me because it was one of the highlights of my week.

After a few weeks of intense over-indulgence, I decided to get back on track with eating healthily and exercising. My skin broke out worse than ever before at the start of the week and it was such a knock to my confidence, so I knew it was time to swap the Double Deckers for some fruit and veg! Pog on Bachelor’s Walk off O’Connell Street is a really nice health food cafe, so I picked up a smoothie and Quest bar for lunch in there one of the days, and made a few smoothies myself during the week. I used one serving of Greek yogurt, a handful of blueberries, a handful of frozen mixed berries and a banana – so easy and tasty. I also switched up my usual ham and cheese/tuna and sweetcorn sandwich for chicken, spinach, tomato and feta on wholemeal bread and I don’t think I’ll ever go back. It was almost gourmet, if I may say so myself! I hit the gym for the first time in a few weeks, and although my abs were in pain for a few days after, it was totally worth it.

Of course, it was Valentine’s Day yesterday, so I went to George’s house after work and we headed out for dinner and some drinks. We went to Pacino’s on Suffolk Street, which is a gorgeous little Italian restaurant. The atmosphere, food and staff are incredible – I got given a rose by one of the waiters! – I think it’s my all time favourite restaurant. I love Valentine’s Day so much, I’m so glad I get to spend it with such an amazing person.

Throw in heading out with the girls on Thursday night, college and work and it was a pretty hectic week!

How did your week go? Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear!