Recap the Week – Pancakes & Planning

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Not gonna lie, Pancake Tuesday totally dominated this week. In fact, this week practically was Pancake Week. I started the pancake feast on Monday night and carried it on right through the week, trying to fit in every topping combination possible. When most of my major meals were starting to revolve around Nutella and berries, I knew it was time to move on. Until next year, Pancake Tuesday.

One of last month’s payday purchases finally arrived on Monday – my tripod. I’ve been thinking of venturing into the world of YouTube for quite a while, so once I figure out how to get the settings I want on the camera, hopefully I’ll start uploading videos. Watch this space. With this month’s payday just 5 days away, my wishlist has started to grow in full swing. Expect a full post during the week.

Since starting the Sex and the City series a few weeks ago, I haven’t been able to put the box-set down. I’m totally obsessed with Carrie and the girls, and am fully immersed in the Carrie-and-Big romance story. Love him or hate him, I can’t decide, but since seeing the first movie where he builds her that wardrobe, I think I love him.

After spending a dreary day in the courts for a college assignment and waiting in the rain for 25 minutes for a bus, on Thursday I received a really exciting invitation to a blogger event. I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to receive an e-mail before, and smiled all the way home as if it was the sunniest day in June.

Having a Saturday off when you work in retail isn’t a common occurrence, so whenever I’ve the day off I always try to make the most of it. I re-organised all of my everyday makeup (a full post will be up this week), went for lunch with my dad and had dinner with the boy. A wild Saturday it was not, but it was just what I needed.

I hope everyone had a great week, let me know in the comments if you got up to anything exciting!