A Few Holiday Snaps & Update!

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Well hello there! I mentioned on my social media that I was going on holidays for a week and taking a break from work, blogging, and (kinda) social media. I’m a total workaholic, so leaving my laptop behind was tough, but I had a really well-needed break and now I’m back and feeling motivated and ready to get into the swing of things!

I spent the week in Lanzarote, one of my favourite places, and had a really great, relaxing time. I ate too much, sometimes drank too much (oops) and laughed a lot. Sometimes you need a few days away from the hustle and bustle of everything to get back on track.

To explain the few snaps above, first there’s the gorgeous beach. Lanzarote is a volcanic island, so the views from the beach are amazing at any time of day. Usually I’m not a huge fan of getting into the sea, but we swam and saw loads of fish in the clear water, and completed a floating obstacle course! It was totally out of my comfort zone but it was so much fun and I’m so glad I did it.

Most mornings we made breakfast (bacon and cheese croissants – drool), but we went for pancakes one morning and they were delicious. My love for pancakes is out of control.

In the third photo is my gorgeous best friend Jen, who’s just fab. She never fails to make me laugh and literally radiates positivity. Next is my boyfriend George. Without getting too gushy, let’s just say I don’t know what I’d do without that chap.

On a couple of nights we went to a great bar called Route 66, which plays cheesy-pop music and does fab cocktails. Mojitos, Pina Coladas and Sex on the Beach are my faves.

Following up is the view from our apartment. I don’t think I’d ever get sick of the blue sky and gorgeous plants. It was 26 degrees most days, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that from the lack of tan I came back with.

Lastly is an OOTN from one of our nights out. It’s not often I upload outfit photos, but they’re one of my favourite posts to do, so I’m going to try to do them more often! The leotard is from Boohoo and the suede skirt is New Look.

My brain was buzzing with ideas on the plane back today, so stayed tuned for plenty of posts to come! Beauty, lifestyle, fashion, happiness (and a new series), are coming your way!



  1. 12/11/2015 / 3:45 am

    Glad you had a great time away 😀 Happy to be reading posts on the blog again though, so I’m being selfish and happy you are back from your trip 😉 Excited to see what this new series is!!

    • whatshedoesnow
      20/11/2015 / 3:31 pm

      thanks so much Adele! Loving your snaps at the minute! it’s “10 things my boyfriend doesn’t understand about…” it just went up yesterday! xx